Five Last Minute Staging Tips

Five Last Minute Staging Tips

Moving is an exciting time for many homeowners. There are so many decisions to be made all at once including: a new home, new neighbourhoods and perhaps a new school. Having made the decision to sell, the next step is to start the process of letting go and moving on. To help you on your journey, a great idea is to hire a realtor and a home stager; two professionals that can help you sell your home quickly and for more money. 

A real estate agent is responsible for helping you to determine the fair market value for your home, advertising it and arranging for interested buyers to view it. A professional home stager objectively views your home and assesses what improvements are required in order to create a look that will interest the majority of potential purchasers. 

A stager is trained to use specific knowledge and skills in order to present your home in its best possible light. Neutral colour schemes, amazing accessories, furniture placement, repairs, decluttering and depersonalizing are all part of the process. Professionally staging a home not only makes it stand out from its competition, but it increases the home’s value and makes it easier to market.

So now your home has been staged and listed. Great! You’re ready for the upcoming open house. Aren’t you? Living in a home that is for sale can be tricky; even professionally staged homes require some last minute tweaking. So what must you do in order to be ready for the open house this weekend? Here are 5 last minute staging tips to ensure your home is ready for potential buyers.

Staging Tip #1: Deep Clean

The most important task for any homeowner on the day of a viewing is to deep clean. Not only does a clean house show better, but a potential purchaser may wonder upon walking into a dirty home, what else you have ignored in terms of home maintenance. 

Unfortunately, buyers cannot see beyond the dirt, dust and grime; it is just too distracting. Even things that are often overlooked on a daily basis such as dust on a light bulb or smears on a mirror, can be a big turnoff to potential buyers.

Staging Tip #2: Declutter

In regards to staging tips, decluttering is extremely important. In fact, similar to a dirty home, a cluttered home can be very distracting. Instead of seeing the desired features in your home, buyers will only see the detritus of your family’s life. Clutter also has the potential to make a room appear smaller, unkempt and unclean. 

Clutter can even make a prospective buyer question a home’s storage space, especially if closets and cupboards are stuffed upon opening. It is important to keep in mind that potential buyers are very interested in storage space and they will open every closet.

In the kitchen, pay close attention to the counters. Ensure that all small appliances are put away, and all personal items such as mail and invoices are put in their rightful places. Remember too, to remove all magnets, paper and pictures from the refrigerator.  

In the bathroom, ensure that all toiletries are put away and that the linen closet is tidy. Hide all of your items of daily life such as toys, games, and converters in the living room. Bedrooms should showcase luxurious bedding, tidy closets and clutter-free furniture.

Staging Tip #3: Letting in the Light

As you are cleaning and decluttering, remember to focus on the lighting of every room. If the viewing is during the day, open all of the blinds and curtains in order to let in as much natural light as possible. Keep in mind that dark rooms do not showcase well at all. If it is a night viewing, ensure that all lamps are turned on. This will add a warm, cheerful ambiance to your home.

Staging Tip #4: Finishing Touches

Last minute staging tips are all about those finishing touches; those little details that will create that big “wow” factor. Add texture and layers of visual interest with fuzzy throws and pillows in both the living room and the bedrooms. By adding velvety, soft accessories you are able to incorporate luxurious fabrics and warmth on a small scale, without it weighing down the room. 

Furthermore, with the addition of bright, colourful accents, you are able to create contrast and insert personality into the room. These small details add another layer of visual interest without overpowering the space, and can direct the buyer’s eye to specific selling features. The key is to match these accessories with the lifestyle that you are wanting the home to convey.

A last minute staging tip that will create a sense of “home” is to set the kitchen and dining room tables for “dinner”. Not only does it add a warm feeling of family life, but it is an opportunity for you to insert a bit of colour. Layer neutral dishes with more colourful ones, and don’t forget to include a simple but colourful centre piece befitting the season.

Staging Tip #5: Don’t Forget the Outside

Buyers make their decision about your home within the first 6 seconds of seeing it; first impressions count tremendously. The outside of your home is your first opportunity to impress any potential purchasers. Therefore, it is imperative to clean and declutter your front porch, walkway and garage area. 

Put away any tools, hoses, shovels and toys. Freshen up the outside by cleaning all hard surfaces from debris as well. Wipe all surfaces such as railings, stairs, and any outdoor furniture on the front porch. Remember to pull any weeds; similar to a dirty home, visible weeds detract and distract from the overall curb appeal.

The front porch is a perfect opportunity to stage a cozy added “room” to your home. Place cushions on any chairs, add potted plants appropriate to the season, and attach a seasonal wreath to the door. These details welcome viewers, insert colour and life, and draws the purchaser’s eye towards the home’s positive features. Furthermore, it demonstrates to any potential buyer that this home is well-cared for and therefore, well-maintained.

Professional home stagers such as Certified UltimateStagers™ utilize their training, skills and knowledge, in order to stage your home and present it in its best possible light.

Remembering these last minute staging tips will ensure your home is ready for its debut!

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