6 Factors to Consider When
Becoming a Home Stager

Pursuing a career in home staging offers a unique blend of creative vision and business strategy, both essential for transforming homes into appealing spaces for potential buyers. This guide provides a comprehensive roadmap for becoming a home stager and beginning a career in this field.

In this article, we will highlight the importance of understanding the home staging industry. We’ll cover how to establish your goals and assess your skills. We’ll delve into the pursuit of training courses to learn practical and business skills. Then, we’ll discuss crafting a business plan for your home staging venture. The significance of building a portfolio and developing marketing materials will also be explored. Finally, we’ll conclude by discussing the importance of fostering relationships within the real estate industry.

Here are the 6 factors you will want to consider before you pursue a career in home staging:

1. Understand the Home Staging Industry

2. Establish Your Goals and Assess Your Skills

3. Pursue Training

4. Begin Crafting a Business Plan for Your Home Staging Venture

5. Build a Portfolio and Marketing Materials 

6. Foster Relationships within the Real Estate Industry 


6 Factors to Consider When Becoming a Home Stager

1. Understand the Home Staging Industry

The home staging industry is a dynamic and vital part of the real estate sector. Research indicates that staged homes often sell quicker and at higher prices than non-staged ones. This effectiveness stems from more than just aesthetics; it’s about creating an inviting atmosphere that enables potential buyers to envision a future in the space.

Home staging is not just interior design. It is a blend of design principles and marketing strategy, where stagers strategically arrange furniture, accessories, and art to create a lifestyle appeal that resonates with prospective buyers. This approach sets a scene for buyers, helping them imagine their lives in the home, effectively bridging design aesthetics with psychological marketing tactics.

In the real estate market, the role of home stagers is pivotal. Their skill in enhancing a property’s visual appeal can create an emotional bond between the property and potential buyers, leading to faster sales and higher offers.

2. Establish Your Goals and Assess Your Skills

Embarking on a career in home staging starts with defining your goals. Consider what personally motivates you. Are you driven by creative expression, the desire for a flexible lifestyle, or the ambition to be an industry leader? Professionally, think about whether you aspire to specialize in certain types of properties, like luxury homes or urban apartments, or if you prefer working independently or as part of a team. Defining these objectives early guides your decisions and shapes your career path.

You’ll also want to evaluate your current skillset. Home staging requires a blend of artistic talent, marketing, and business management skills. Do you have a keen eye for design and aesthetics? How well do you understand the real estate market in your area? Are you comfortable with networking and client management? Identifying your strengths and weaknesses allows you to focus your learning and development efforts more effectively.

Consider the following key skills essential for pursuing a career in home staging:

Design and Aesthetic Sensibility

Understanding of Design Principles: Knowledge of colour theory, spatial balance, and furniture placement is fundamental. This involves creating a harmonious environment that appeals to a wide range of potential buyers.

Trend Awareness: Keeping up with current interior design trends and being able to incorporate them in a way that complements the property’s inherent style.

Real Estate Market Knowledge

Local Market Insights: Understanding the demographics of potential buyers in your area and what appeals to them.

Property Analysis: Being able to assess a property and understand what improvements will increase its market value.

Marketing Skills

Visual Marketing Techniques: Knowing how to create visually appealing spaces that photograph well and attract buyers online.

Communication Skills: Effectively communicating the value of your staging to real estate agents and sellers.

Project Management and Organization

Time Management: Balancing multiple projects efficiently and meeting tight deadlines.

Resource Management: Working within budget constraints and sourcing appropriate furnishings and decor.

Client Relationship Management

Interpersonal Skills: Building and maintaining relationships with homeowners, real estate agents, and other stakeholders.

Flexibility and Adaptability: Being able to adjust designs based on client feedback and changing market conditions.

Business Savvy

Entrepreneurial Skills: If running your own staging business, skills like marketing your services, pricing strategies, and business planning are essential.

Networking: Building a network of suppliers, real estate professionals, and other stagers for collaboration and growth.

Remember, if you are not currently strong in these areas, do not worry. Professional home staging training courses provide you with opportunities to develop these skills.

3. Pursue Training

If you’re considering a career in home staging, obtaining formal training can be a crucial first step. The right course will not only provide you with the skills and knowledge needed for success but also help establish your credibility in the field.

A good starting point is to explore courses that offer a certified home stager designation. For example, Ultimate Academy® offers a comprehensive course specifically designed for aspiring home stagers. The Home Staging course is two-fold: the first part covers the theoretical and practical components of home staging, while the second part addresses the business, sales, and marketing components.

Effective training programs should include essential topics like design principles, furniture placement, colour theory, and client consultations. It’s beneficial if they also cover specialized areas such as staging for different property types or working within various budget constraints, offering a broad scope of knowledge valuable for starting your own business.

Additionally, assess the interactivity level of a course. Investigate whether instructors encourage class discussions, interactive activities, and provide real-world scenarios for students to analyze. Participating in these practical exercises under expert guidance can be as instructive as traditional classroom learning, allowing you to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world settings.

Keep in Mind:

Clients often prefer working with certified professionals. Certification is not just a testament to your dedication and study, but it also helps build trust and distinguishes you from competitors.

  • Earning a Certification Shows Dedication: Achieving certification signifies a deep commitment to excelling in your profession, a trait that clients highly appreciate.

  • Setting Yourself Apart Professionally: In a world where many claim expert status, having formal certification sets true professionals apart from the rest.

  • Boosting Confidence with Accreditation: Gaining approval from esteemed institutions can greatly enhance your own confidence as well as your clients’ trust in you.

While no course can guarantee success, obtaining the right formal training is a crucial step in that direction. Your choice of training should align with your career objectives and learning preferences. Embrace a mindset of ‘lifelong learning’—continual education is key to staying current in the dynamic home staging industry, even after certification.

4. Begin Crafting a Business Plan for Your Home Staging Venture

Launching a home staging business requires a business plan. The following summary offers key points for starting your business, although it’s not all-inclusive.

Essential Components of Your Business Plan:

Business Description and Structure: First, decide if you’re starting a small home staging service or a larger company. This choice will guide your goals and what you expect to achieve.

Market Research and Analysis: Do thorough research to understand what potential customers need and see who your competitors are in the home staging market. This step is key to making your business stand out.

Business Strategies and Model: Create plans to attract homeowners and real estate agents. Remember, the real estate market is competitive. Show how your staging can make homes more appealing and valuable.

Services Offered: Explain the different staging services you’ll provide. This might include advice sessions, full home staging, or renting out furniture.

Financial Planning and Funding: Make detailed financial plans and note any money you’ll need to start and grow your business. This is important for both new businesses and those looking to expand.

Growth Strategy: Think about how you’ll grow your business over time. You might branch out from staging homes to staging commercial properties, or add extra services like interior design advice.

Creating Your Business Plan: Writing a business plan is crucial for starting a home staging business. It takes dedication, a clear vision, and understanding the real estate world to turn your passion into a successful business. With careful planning, the guidance of career training companies such as Ultimate Academy® and hard work, your home staging business can grow and thrive in this creative and changing industry.

5. Build an Impressive Portfolio and Marketing Materials

In the world of home staging, your visual portfolio is an asset. Additionally, your ability to market yourself is what can set you apart from the competition

The Importance of a Visual Portfolio: In home staging, showing your skill through photos is vital. High-quality pictures let potential clients see how you can transform spaces. Think of your portfolio as a visual CV that displays your staging talents. Each photo should show how you’ve improved a property, and it’s important to know how these images will look online.

Adding Videos and Virtual Tours: Besides photos, use ‘before and after’ videos or virtual tours in your marketing for a more engaging experience.

Getting Professional Photos: Consistently great photos come from working with real estate photographers. They know how to make spaces look bigger and brighter and can handle unique architectural features. Good photos are key for online presence and physical marketing, like business cards.

Designing Marketing Materials: Use eye-catching visuals on social media (Instagram is popular among stagers) and in physical materials. Business cards are essential. Make yours stand out with images from past projects or client testimonials to build trust.

Consistency in Branding: Make sure all your marketing, both digital and print, has a consistent brand look. This includes colour schemes and fonts. A consistent brand helps people remember you.

Remember, your marketing materials are not just about showing your work; they’re about creating a memorable and trustworthy brand.

6. Foster Relationships within the Real Estate Industry

The success of a home stager often hinges on the strength of their professional network.

Relationships are Key: In real estate, building relationships is crucial. It’s like gardening – it takes time and effort, but the results can be great for your home staging career.

Connect with Real Estate Agents: Real estate agents are vital to your network. They’re not just contacts; they can become clients. Remember, building a good relationship with them takes time. Offer value and help before expecting anything back.

Networking is Important: Networking might not be easy for everyone, but it’s important. “Your network is your net worth.” Try going to local events or join groups like the Real Estate Staging Association (RESA). These are great for meeting others in the industry and learning from them.

Keep a Good Reputation: A good reputation is essential. Make sure every project you do shows off your best work. People are more likely to recommend you if they’re impressed with what you do.

Team Up with Other Stagers: Don’t see other home stagers as just competition. They can be allies who understand what you’re going through. Sharing tips and asking questions can help you both.

Support is Valuable: Having support in this industry is really helpful. A mentor or a supportive friend can make a big difference, especially during tough times. Having people around you who support you is key to overcoming challenges.

FAQ on How to Become a Home Stager

Yes, you can. Home staging can be a profitable profession, especially if you become skilled both in staging and the business aspects of it. Targeting the right real estate market is key to success in this field.

To be a successful home stager, you should have a good eye for design and understand how to use space effectively. Marketing skills are also important, as is the ability to communicate well with clients and other professionals. 

Additionally, having an entrepreneurial mindset is beneficial. If you’re concerned about not having a strong foundation in these areas, don’t worry. Training companies like Ultimate Academy® can equip you with these essential skills. Furthermore, Ultimate Academy® offers continual career guidance, supporting you even after you have completed the Home Staging course.

A home stager and an interior decorator play distinct roles in the realm of property aesthetics. The primary objective of a home stager is to prepare and style homes for sale, aiming to make them broadly appealing to potential buyers. This involves strategically using furniture, decor, and other design elements to highlight the space’s best features and create an inviting atmosphere. The goal is to help the home sell faster and potentially at a higher price by appealing to a wide range of tastes.

On the other hand, an interior decorator focuses on tailoring a space to reflect the individual tastes and preferences of the client. They work closely with clients to understand their style, needs, and the functionality they want from their living or working spaces. Interior decorators choose color schemes, furniture, and accessories to create a personalized environment that aligns with the client’s unique aesthetic and lifestyle preferences. Unlike staging, which is done with a potential buyer in mind, interior decorating is all about making the space a reflection of the current inhabitant’s personality and needs.

To market yourself effectively as a home stager, create a portfolio that highlights your best work. Networking with local real estate agents can also be very beneficial. Embrace digital marketing techniques, such as having a website with SEO-friendly content and actively promoting your services on social media platforms.

Yes, staging often helps sell homes. It can make a property more appealing to potential buyers by showcasing the space’s potential and helping them envision themselves living there. This often results in faster sales and can sometimes even increase the selling price.

Home stagers typically get business through various methods. Networking with real estate agents and past clients, maintaining a strong online presence, leveraging social media, and utilizing word-of-mouth referrals are common strategies. Participating in local events or home shows can also generate leads.

To become a home stager in Canada, consider taking a professional staging course to learn the fundamentals and get certified. Understanding the Canadian real estate market and building connections within it is also important. Additionally, setting up a business, developing a portfolio, and marketing your services effectively will help establish your presence in the Canadian staging industry.

Online learning can be highly effective, especially when courses are designed to be interactive and engaging. For instance, Ultimate Academy® offers online learning courses that focus on active participation and immersive experiences. These courses are crafted to not only provide essential knowledge but also to involve students in practical applications of what they learn.

One of the key strengths of online learning, as demonstrated by Ultimate Academy®, is its flexibility. Students can learn at their own pace and on their own schedule, which is ideal for those balancing other commitments. The interactive nature of their courses keeps students engaged, making the learning process more enjoyable and effective.

Additionally, Ultimate Academy® incorporates a variety of multimedia elements in their lessons, such as videos, quizzes, and real-life case studies, which cater to different learning styles. This diversity in teaching methods helps in retaining information and understanding complex concepts more easily.

Overall, the effectiveness of online learning largely depends on how the content is delivered and how well students are engaged. With career training companies like Ultimate Academy® leading the way in interactive and engaging online education, the potential for successful learning outcomes is significant.

In Canada, you do not need a license to become a home stager. However, obtaining certification is still beneficial and preferable. Enrolling in certification courses can teach you staging strategies, business, marketing, communicating with clients, and more.

If you are interested in pursuing a career in home staging, you can enroll in a Home Staging course like Ultimate Academy®’s. This course offers a comprehensive curriculum that covers all aspects of home staging, including design, marketing, and business management. Upon completion of the course, you will earn a certificate and be able to call yourself a certified professional.


A career in home staging is a rewarding blend of creative design and strategic business planning. This guide has equipped aspiring stagers with essential skills, from design principles and market knowledge to marketing and client relations. Key to success is formal training, like that offered by Ultimate Academy®, which focuses on interactive learning.

Developing a portfolio, effective marketing, and robust industry relationships are crucial. Home staging goes beyond aesthetics; it strategically prepares homes for sale. With dedication, ongoing learning, and a solid business plan, you can turn your passion for home staging into a successful and fulfilling career.

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If you have any questions or would like to enrol by phone, please call 1.888.883.2688. Special ends Friday August 2nd.


If you have any questions or would like to enrol by phone, please call 1.888.883.2688. Save up to $1550, special ends this Friday August 2nd.