The Top 5 Characteristics
of an Event Planner

The Top 5 Characteristics of an Event Planner - Ultimate Academy® Event & Wedding Planning Blog

From our earliest childhood memories, events have been a special part of our lives. We looked forward all year to our birthday parties, eagerly anticipating the presents, fun, games, and food. 

As adults, we are inundated with images of parties, bridal and baby showers, product launches, and weddings. At some level, we intuitively understand that a myriad of details lies at the heart of any planned social gathering. After all, even a family barbecue at Grandma’s house requires planning, coordination, and communication. This basic understanding of event planning has helped form a perception of what it takes to be a professional Event and Wedding Planner.

Hollywood has also contributed to the perceived notion of what is required. Not surprisingly, this version is not entirely accurate. While movies often portray planners as capable professionals, they don’t always reflect the realistic characteristics required for the job. 

If you were to ask the average person what they view as important personality traits of a planner, the answers would invariably be as diverse as the people asked. So, what are the top event planner characteristics?

The Top 5 Characteristics of an Event Planner - Ultimate Academy® Event & Wedding Planning Blog #2

#1. Passion

Perhaps the most important characteristic of an event planner is a passion for planning. Event planning is a busy, exciting career that demands time and attention. 

A planner needs to be dedicated and willing to work long hours. The bloom will quickly fall off the rose if a planner is not passionate about the many details involved in their chosen vocation. 

Event and wedding planning is constantly changing and evolving. This attention to trends requires a person who is truly inspired by what will be the next great idea. 

A passionate event and wedding planner cares deeply about bringing a client’s vision to life, waking up buzzing with ideas, and striving to turn every event into the unique, special occasion it is meant to be.

#2. Organization

Organization is key for any event, even the barbecue at Grandma’s. The family needs to know the date, time, location, menu, and entertainment.

Success is in the details; if every detail is attended to, the event will be successful. But how do you keep track of every detail? Being highly organized is a crucial characteristic of an event planner.

Every event entails numerous tasks, budgets, vendors, and constantly changing checklists. Additionally, a planner may manage multiple events at various stages of completion simultaneously. A planner must be adept at juggling every detail and meeting every deadline.

For some, this trait comes naturally; for others, it is a learned skill. A recent survey found that 83% of event planners use an event app. As technology advances, there are more apps, templates, and checklists that can be created and customized for each unique event, designed to help keep a planner organized. 

Moreover, certification courses, such as Ultimate Academy®’s Event & Wedding Planning course, guide graduates to acquire a variety of organizational skills necessary for successfully planning weddings and all types of events.

The Top 5 Characteristics of an Event Planner - Ultimate Academy® Event & Wedding Planning Blog #3

#3. Personable

Being an event and wedding planner is a very people-driven, relationship-based career. It, therefore, makes sense that being personable is another key event planner characteristic. 

A planner is in constant communication with clients, vendors, staff, guests, and colleagues. A planner needs to be able to connect with potential clients to secure their trust. 

A non-approachable personality will not lead to success in this area. Furthermore, being personable works well when negotiating contracts with vendors, as well as when networking and building relationships.

#4. Creative

Think back to the last few organized events you attended. What do you remember about them? Was it the food, décor, entertainment, or the overall ambiance? 

One thing that can make an event stand out is the event planner’s creativity. For instance, a couple has a vision for their special day. A successful wedding planner can visualize this and bring it to life. Creativity, an event planner characteristic, enables a planner to create something unique for every client. 

Unfortunately, no event is without glitches; there are always issues to be dealt with. A great way to problem-solve and create a solution is to think outside the box. 

Creativity drives this solution-driven mentality, allowing a planner to focus on the issue at hand and see the bigger picture, thereby resolving the problem creatively.

#5. Curious

As mentioned previously, event and wedding planning is a very trend-sensitive industry. It is constantly evolving and changing to reflect the latest colors, technology, and styles. 

Clients want something as unique as themselves, which often means incorporating the latest and greatest trends. After all, no one wants to repeat what their friends or colleagues have done. 

Event planners need to be aware of what is new, what is in, and what is out. Curiosity as an event planner characteristic naturally encourages a planner to stay on top of what is trending.

Wedding planners often face a serious challenge: a recent study found that 67% of brides say that social media plays an important role in the planning of their wedding. If an event planner isn’t curious about what is trending on those platforms, they may not be able to deliver exactly what a couple envisions for their special day.

In Conclusion

Successful event planning hinges on meticulous organization, a skill that is indispensable whether planning a casual family gathering or a large-scale professional event. 

The essence of effective event management lies in the ability to pay attention to details, efficiently juggle multiple tasks, and adhere to deadlines, ensuring every aspect of an event is flawlessly executed. 

While some may possess a natural propensity for organization, others can develop this essential skill through practice and the aid of technological tools like event apps. 

Additionally, professional training, such as that provided by Ultimate Academy®’s Event & Wedding Planning course, equips aspiring planners with the comprehensive organizational strategies and skills needed to excel in the field of event and wedding planning. 

Ultimately, the cornerstone of a successful event planner’s skill set is their unwavering commitment to organization, a commitment that guarantees the seamless execution of events that are memorable and engaging.

Frequently Asked Questions About the Characteristics of an Event Planner

Organization is the backbone of successful event planning. It ensures that every detail, from scheduling and vendor coordination to budget management and logistics, is carefully accounted for and executed smoothly. 

Organizational skills help event planners foresee potential challenges, make efficient use of resources, and keep all elements of an event in harmony. 

This meticulous attention to detail guarantees that events not only meet but exceed client expectations, creating memorable experiences for all attendees.

Absolutely. Being a “people person” is crucial in event planning. 

This role involves constant interaction with clients, vendors, staff, and event guests. A personable nature allows an event planner to build strong relationships, communicate effectively, and negotiate successfully. 

It also aids in understanding and translating a client’s vision into reality, ensuring a personalized and satisfying event experience. 

Empathy, patience, and excellent interpersonal skills are key in addressing and resolving the various demands and challenges that come with planning an event.

The most crucial part of event management is effective communication. 

Clear, consistent communication with clients, vendors, team members, and attendees is essential for conveying expectations, coordinating tasks, and addressing any issues that may arise. 

It ensures that everyone involved is on the same page and working towards a common goal, which is the successful execution of the event. 

Effective communication can significantly reduce misunderstandings and errors, making it a foundational element of successful event management.

Managing multiple events simultaneously requires a combination of advanced organizational skills, effective time management, and the use of technology. 

Event planners often rely on detailed planning tools, such as project management software and event planning apps, to track tasks, deadlines, and communications for each event. 

Prioritizing tasks based on urgency and importance, delegating responsibilities to trusted team members, and maintaining regular check-ins can also help ensure that all events are managed efficiently without compromising quality.

An event planner should possess a mix of creativity, flexibility, attention to detail, and resilience. 

Creativity aids in designing unique and memorable events. Flexibility allows planners to adapt to unexpected changes and challenges. 

Attention to detail ensures that every aspect of an event is thoughtfully considered and executed. Resilience is crucial for overcoming obstacles and ensuring the event’s success despite setbacks. 

Together, these traits enable event planners to deliver exceptional experiences that meet their clients’ needs and exceed their expectations.

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If you have any questions or would like to enrol by phone, please call 1.888.883.2688. Save up to $1550, special ends this Friday July 26th.